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Welcome to inSkaala 2011 - one of the biggest indoor scale model flying events in Finland

inSkaala is an annual indoor scale model flying event. In 2011 it is organized by Pietarsaari RC-flying Club (Pietarsaaren Seudun RC-lentäjät Jakobstadsnejdens RC-flygare) The event is focused on indoor RC scale models but there is a lot of activities around other types of indoor flying as well.

inSkaala 2011 is held in Pietarsaari, Finland, on Saturday, November 19st, 2011. The event takes place in Municipal Football (Soccer) Hall beginning at 10 AM. To find your way, please see maps below.

In the programme, we have got some not-too-serious competitions, but you are welcome to come and fly your models just for fun.

The programme includes competitions for RC and free flight scale models, aerobatics and a Basic-model-competition for youngsters. Basic-model is a simple stick 'n tissue -type model with rubber motor.




Registration in advance is not required.

Participation fee is 15 € for adults and 3 € for youngsters 14 years or less. You may participate all competitions and you may bring as many models with you as you want. Spectators have free entry.

Please ask for further details.


Name Phone Task
Ilkka Klemetti +358-40-545 3044 Main contact
See you at inSkaala 2011!

15.5.2011 webmaster