To Main Page Welcome to inSkaala 2009 - one of the biggest indoor scale model flying events in Finland |
inSkaala is
an annual indoor scale model flying event organized by
Pietarsaari RC-flying Club (Pietarsaaren Seudun
RC-lentäjät Jakobstadsnejdens RC-flygare). The event
was focused on indoor scale models but there was a lot of
activities around other types of indoor flying as well. inSkaala 2009 was held in Pietarsaari, Finland, on Saturday, November 21st, 2009. The event took place in Municipal Football (Soccer) Hall beginning at 10 AM. In the programme, we had competitions in 10 classes, including scale, aerobatics and duration competitions for rubber powered models. Also a lot of time and space was reserved for flying just for fun. Vaasa Flying Club provided a soaring simulator, build from a real airplane cockpit. Visitors could test their skills in controlling a sailplane. The simulator was in hard use all day. Map
inSkaala 2009 - for indoor scale! |
25.11.2009 webmaster |